Meet the Designer
Stephanie DiMugno
is a strong and versatile businesswoman with many years of experience spanning across multiple disciplines and fields. She is the creator of the Stacks by Steph brand with countless years of jewelry-making experience that stems from her lifelong passion for creating unique and memorable adornments. When Steph is not beading, she can be found enjoying the company of her loving family and friends. Steph currently lives in Connecticut with her husband, Matt and their adorable Havacockapoo, Gracie.
Creative Beginnings
Stephanie grew up in Cheshire, Connecticut and is youngest of three daughters. As a child, Stephanie was always talking, being imaginative, and most of all beating to her own drum. No matter the occasion, Stephanie was always wearing jewelry or her "jewels” as she liked to call them. Her love for jewelry spans as far back as she can remember, and this passion is evident in all of the jewelry she creates. To this day, Steph maintains the same adventurous spirit she had as a child as she continues on her unique and creative journey: never without her "jewels" and always with passion.